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Fiber Optic Christmas Tree - Style 43560 & 43559

Lot # 02770717
Units Shipped After October 1, 2017

Bits and Pieces is issuing a product recall for the Fiber Optic Christmas Tree (item# 43560 & 43559 sizes only) shipped after October 1, 2017. The company has had several reports of this item overheating and stops working when plugged in. While no injuries or damages have been reported, we are asking affected customers to immediately cease using this product, safely cut the cord on the adaptor and either return it for a full refund or call in to our customer service department for a full refund on the price of the item along with shipping paid.

This is a picture of the product:

SKU: 43560

SKU: 43559

Here is the product in its original packaging:

SKU: 43560

SKU: 43559

Customers affected by this recall will be sent a letter with a return form and a merchandise return label. For questions about the recall or instructions on how to participate in the recall, please call our toll free number at 855-557-4657 between the hours of 9:00 and 5:00EST Monday through Friday. We are truly sorry that we did not meet the expectation of quality that our customers have come to expect from us. We appreciate our customers participating in this recall.

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